These apps work very well alongside Mystery Shopping to really give earnings a boost.
Once you have the app downloaded and a client needs an audit in your area the ‘task’ will be added to a map and if you are able to complete the task you assign yourself the job.
The work varies so some days can be photographing telephone boxes and the next day might be checking the speed limit on a particular road, checking prices are correct in a supermarket and displays are well stocked, or photographing a particular product.
You will need a smartphone with a reasonable camera as your tasks will mostly involve taking pictures to validate your work, and if you drive it’s helpful to have a sat-nav and an in car phone charger if you’re planning to complete multiple jobs.
The tasks are inconsistently added so you can expect days where 3000 jobs are added country wide and then nothing for a week but with good planning and the use of several apps you should find an area with good availability most days.
The pay per task is around £5 on average. If there is a task nearing the end of the completion deadline the pay can increase up to £50+ per task but this is rare, and of course if you ignore the task at £5 hoping for a pay increase the chances are someone else will grab it at a fiver. Some of the apps pay into your PayPal the same day, and others are bank transfer weekly/monthly which I have covered in more detail below.
You don’t need to live in a city for these apps to be worthwhile and some cover several different countries. I think it’s helpful if you drive unless you are in a city with good transport links. One thing to be aware of is you are normally given a 2-4hr window to complete the tasks so keep this in mind when booking jobs, especially if you are using public transport.
Task 360 –
Available on iOS (please note Task360 is only available on iOS – I use an Android phone but I have a work iPhone just for this app alone and it’s worth it!). EDIT: TASK 360 HAS MERGED WITH BE MY EYE
Payment Options-
Task360 pay via bank transfer. Tasks are usually checked and become payable the day after you submit them (this will vary). You then request a payout which they normally process on Fridays.
The key with all of these apps is picture quality and attention to detail. Some of the apps can send back tasks as incomplete and ask you to retry them if they find fault with your submission.
Available on iOS/Android.
Payment Options–
Roamler pay via PayPal. Tasks are usually checked within 4-12 hours (this will vary). You can immediately request a payout which is transferred almost instantly to your PayPal account.
Unlike some of the other task apps the work with Roamler is regular but there isn’t as much availability. It’s a fun app and more interactive than the others. One thing to note is when you sign up you may need a code. Also, you need to reach level 2 before you can complete paid tasks.
Available on iOS/Android (please use my code 0r79oy and we get a £3 bonus each when you complete your first mission).
Payment Options–
You can request payment via PayPal once you reach £5 and bank transfer min £20. Tasks are checked within 24hrs of you submitting them but as with the other apps this can vary.
Not as much availability from this app but when it does become available the pay is good and the work is easy so it’s worth having the app and checking it regularly.
Available on iOS/Android.
Payment Options–
PayPal. Usually tasks become payable 30 days after completion.
My Thoughts-
Streetspotr has a good amount of regular clients. It’s worth noting some of these jobs come with a letter of authority giving you permission to take a few pictures for the client and it makes the task a lot easier if you use this.